Presenting: the Growth CMO report - your leading resource on how CMOs establish and meet their growth goals.
Welcome to the Growth CMO Report, the first annual report from CMO Alliance. Driving growth is a top priority for many CMOs, and this report will see how effective they are at meeting their goals, what resources are the most important, and what’s holding them back.
Who is this report for?
Are you a CMO? You’ll be able to equip yourself with everything you need to turn yourself and your team into lean, mean, growth goal achieving machines.
CEO or other department head? You’ll know what support your CMO needs to be everything you need them to be.
You’ll find insights drawn from the real experiences of CMOs across a broad range of industries and business sizes so you know how CMOs approach growth goals at every level, and what organizational dependencies they have to achieve them.
Find out:
- Which departments CMOs and marketing need to collaborate with to meet growth goals.
- How to build effective growth-focused marketing teams.
- What data CMOs need to achieve growth goals.
- The gaps in CMOs’ techstacks that are preventing them from meeting their growth goals.
What are you waiting for?
Whether you’re a CMO, looking to make organizational changes with growth in mind, or another member of the C-Suite looking to improve your ability to collaborate with other departments to meet goals, you’ll find heaps of value in this report.
Once you’ve read it…
We’d love to hear your thoughts!
Share your assessment of the findings on our social media channels, or head to the CMO Alliance Community.
Think we’ve missed anything? Let us know, so we can include it in our research for next year!