"Marketing is a cost sink, we need changes if it's going to drive revenue" is the kind of phrase that's equal parts exhausting, demoralizing, and fear-inducing to the souls of many a Chief Marketing Officer.

But is the reality that it's always been driving revenue, it just hasn't been getting the recognition it deserves?

That's the perspective of Angeley Mullins, CMO & CGO of Latana Brand Tracking and CMO Alliance Ambassador, and she's joined us to get real about marketing as a revenue driver: the problem isn't that marketing doesn't drive revenue, it's that we haven't been able to clearly attribute it. Until now...

Angeley joins us to explain why we need to get better at showing how marketing is driving revenue, not stripping out the types of marketing that we know work but historically haven't been able to show clear revenue attribution.

Listen to the full episode and more

Key talking points

  • The case for marketing as a revenue driver.
  • How to effectively show how marketing is driving revenue, even in circumstances where attribution is difficult.
  • The stakeholders you need to be working with to show the efficacy of marketing.

About the guest

Angeley Mullins is a seasoned commercial executive with leadership roles across the US and EMEA including: Amazon, Intuit, GoDaddy, and her most recent role as Chief Marketing Officer & Chief Growth Officer at Latana, an AI-Powered brand tracking & consumer insights solution. Her experience focuses on commercial growth: marketing, brand, sales, product, and international expansion in both technology scale-ups & larger corporations.

In 2023 Crunchbase recognized her, along with other prominent technology leaders, as one of the most influential women in sales. Furthermore, she also holds advisory roles with various technology and media companies. She has a special interest in advancing the conversation around women in leadership and diversity at the executive level.

On top of all this, Angeley is one of the CMO Alliance Ambassadors!

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