In the dynamic world of B2B marketing, there has been a significant shift in focus from traditional marketing strategies to more focus-targeted approaches. Account-Based Marketing (ABM) and Demand Generation are two such strategies that have gained immense popularity.

While ABM focuses on personalization and high-value accounts, Demand Generation casts a wider net across a bigger audience scope and generates leads. However, the convergence of these two methodologies has proven to be a game-changer, not just for the marketing team, but for all the other revenue teams. In this article, we will explore the benefits of merging ABM and Demand Generation.

CMO Convo | The human side of ABM | Joel Capperella
ABM has become one of the most effective forms of B2B marketing. And yet many people seem to focus on tech and account data to the detriment of the human element.

The advantages of uniting ABM and Demand Generation

1. Achieving precision and volume

ABM, with its tailored approach, identifies high-potential accounts and personalizes engagements with key decision-makers. In contrast, Demand Generation targets a broader audience, aiming to attract and nurture leads at scale.

While both strategies have their unique strengths, their convergence enables marketers to bridge the gap between precision targeting and volume lead generation. This allows CMOs to ensure that their marketing efforts are both focused on high-value opportunities and also reaching a wider pool of prospects.

2. From Demand Gen to ABM Program

One of the greatest advantages of the convergence is the ability to seamlessly transition potential accounts from the Demand Generation program to the ABM program.

By analyzing the data collected during Demand Generation efforts,  prospects with strong intent and potential can be identified and subscribe the account to ABM program. This increases the chances of conversion and maximizes ROI.

3. Sharing insights

The intent signals and topics identified in ABM programs are invaluable assets that can be harnessed by the Demand Generation team. These insights into the interests and needs of high-potential accounts can be utilized to scale up the reach and relevance of Demand Generation efforts. By integrating ABM data into the Demand Generation strategy, marketers can readily implement vertical marketing and also ensure that broader campaigns resonate with the right audiences.

4. The martech advantage

The convergence of ABM and Demand Generation is greatly facilitated by the Marketing technology stack. Both programs benefit from an integrated MarTech system that empowers marketers with valuable data, automation capabilities, and precise targeting tools. This alignment ensures that both strategies complement each other, leading to increased efficiency and effectiveness.

Is it so easy-peasy to unify both ABM and Demand Generation Programs? Obviously, it’s a big NO. While the integration brings numerous benefits, it also comes with its fair share of challenges, here are some:

Overcoming the challenges of converging ABM and Demand Gen

Challenge #1: Overlapping Accounts & Attribution Fights

In cases where an account is targeted by both ABM and Demand Generation campaigns, messaging and outreach activities could go over the board. Not just that, allocating the revenue credit appropriately becomes intricate, as both strategies may claim influence over the account's decision-making process.


Define your goals: Clearly define the criteria to choose accounts, roles, responsibilities, sources, budgets, tools, messaging, and objectives of both ABM and Demand Generation teams to avoid duplication of efforts and conflicting messaging to overlapping accounts.

Attribution transparency: Develop transparent attribution rules that consider the contributions of both strategies in the buyer's journey, ensuring revenue credit is appropriately allocated. While this doesn’t guarantee non-overlapping of accounts, be prepared with a coordinated approach to engaging overlapping accounts.

Challenge #2: Data integration

Combining data from both ABM and Demand Generation programs can be complex, especially if the systems and platforms used are not interoperable. Ensuring that data flows smoothly between the two strategies and a single view of prospect’s data is maintained, is crucial.


Choose the right martech: Invest in marketing technology systems that can seamlessly integrate data from both ABM and Demand Generation initiatives, ensuring a unified view of prospect or customer.

Data governance: Implement robust data governance practices to maintain data accuracy and consistency across all marketing activities.

Challenge #3: Breaking silos

In some organizations, ABM and Demand Generation functions may operate in silos, making integration a complex task. Breaking down these silos and fostering a collaborative environment is essential for a successful convergence. Integrating ABM and Demand Generation also requires close collaboration between sales and marketing teams


Crossfunctional teams: Form cross-functional teams such as Marketing Operations, GTM, Market Research, Analytics, etc. that include members from both ABM and Demand Generation, fostering collaboration and alignment of goals.

Alignment: Bring alignment of goals, messaging, and lead handoff processes. This requires effort and coordination to ensure both functions work in harmony towards common objectives.

Challenge #4: Measuring success

Determining the ROI of the converged strategy can be challenging. Marketing teams need to establish clear metrics to measure the effectiveness of both ABM and Demand Generation components and how they contribute to overall marketing success.


Unify metrics: Establish a set of unified metrics to measure the success of the integrated strategy, combining both ABM and Demand Generation performance.

Multi-touch attribution: Implement multi-touch attribution models that consider the contributions of both strategies in generating revenue and overall marketing success.

Challenge #5: Managing content strategy

A converged approach demands a cohesive content strategy that caters to both personalized ABM experiences and broader Demand Generation campaigns.


Content collaboration: Foster collaboration between ABM and Demand Generation teams in content planning and creation to ensure consistency and relevance throughout the buyer's journey.

Personalization at scale: Leverage marketing technology to personalize content for ABM initiatives and scale relevant content for broader Demand Generation campaigns.

Content audit: Conduct a content audit to identify gaps in content and create a content roadmap that addresses the needs of both ABM and Demand Generation efforts.

ABM and Customer Marketing: a one-two punch for the recession economy
With the economy cooling down, the customer base is the ultimate shock absorber, allowing companies to keep growing even when new buyers are harder to come by and sales cycles elongate. It is no wonder that NRR and NDR are considered leading indicators of value for SaaS companies.

The bottomline

As organizations embrace the convergence of ABM and Demand Generation, businesses can maximize their marketing impact. By leveraging the insights gained from ABM, Demand Generation can scale up its reach, in return, Demand Generation can also fill the funnel of ABM with its high-potential leads.

It's time to embrace the magical fusion of ABM and Demand Generation and unleash the true potential of your marketing efforts in the dynamic B2B landscape.

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